
Types and Cost Of DNA Testing During Pregnancy

There are many pregnant women who want to know if you can do a DNA test, while the baby is still in the womb. The simple answer is that yes, you can have a DNA paternity test performed while the child yet to be born. DNA testing is done for many reasons. Some of the reasons are, but not limited to, knowing the family history, ethnic origin or race, and also to determine the paternity of a child. However, testing during pregnancy is probably the highest incidence of fetal risk, then the mother. E 'therefore essential that you know exactly what you're getting into before you go ahead with this test.

Types of DNA testing during pregnancy
Currently there are two types of tests that can be done to help determine the DNA of your unborn child. The first is called amniocentesis and the second is called chorionic villus sampling, CVS shortly. We will look at each of these, including the advantages of one over the other and the accompanying risks. But before going further, it should be noted that the time in which this type of testing is done is absolutely essential.

Amniocentesis: This is simply where a sample of amniotic fluid, the fluid surrounding the fetus, and analyzed. At what stage of pregnancy can be done? Amniocentesis can be realized in the second quarter, which is between 14 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. What happens during the test? The doctor or medical professional achievement amniocentesis uses a very thin surgical needle, driving into the uterus through the abdomen. An ultrasound machine is used to guide to ensure accuracy. Then draws a small amount of amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby, with the needle. This example is one that is used for testing or DNA analysis.

Amniocentesis risks include possible harm to the baby and consequently lead to miscarriage. The mother may also have bleeding and cramps. There are also cases in which there is leakage of amniotic fluid.

Chronionic villus sampling (CVS): During pregnancy, are small finger-like tissue that protrudes from the uterine wall. They are called chorionic villi. These fabrics come from the same fertilized egg that produced the fetus or child. Consequently, they have the same genetic constitution or biological as that of the fetus. E 'these tissues that the doctor will try to obtain test samples.

When this test can be done? It 'made in the first quarter, between weeks 10 and 13 to gestation. CVS procedure is a bit 'different than amniocentesis. In CVS, the doctor, always with an ultrasound machine, would guide a tube or a surgical needle through the cervix to get the chorionic villus tissue. Then, tests are carried out with the sample to determine the DNA of the child.

The cost of DNA testing during pregnancy
This procedure is not cheap, compared to other types of DNA analysis, and also taking into account all the risks. It is estimated that the DNA testing during pregnancy will cost between US $ 1,000 to US $ 2,000. You can not tell if your health insurance would have to pay for this procedure, unless, of course, the conditions of insurance covers these cases.

From the above, it is clear that you can not just get up and you decide to run these tests. Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is always advisable to wait until the baby is born before performing tests to determine the DNA of your child.

There are many areas in which DNA testing applied outside DNA testing during pregnancy. You can get a DNA test done for you after your baby is born. I invite you to visit my blog on how to get a DNA test. Watch videos, read other articles on DNA testing and find media files where you can also get a kit of free DNA sample. This is where the need to have a test done for you.

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