
What is Child Neglect?

What is child neglect?
Feeling isolated, alone, helpless, with no self-esteem, a feeling that their needs are not met, "there is none", no trust, no right, deserve nothing, learned helplessness, despair, can not manage their emotions, lack of self-management, no sense of appropriate for situations feelings, no sense of what is right or wrong emotionally, identity problems, they do not give you a sense that you could be. No matter what you do - do not change.

Boundaries are a big problem, want attention or the difficulty in finding normal care, numbness or flat emotions, being a developmental delay, behavioral problems in school, suicidal feelings, self-abuse, depression, know no borders, and have trouble detecting false law, abuse of drugs and alcohol, can not relate to others, lack of social skills, feeding problems, food hoarding, constantly having accidents physical health problems and diseases; disconnect, wanting to be invisible, the feeling that you have no impact on the world or negative attention seeking behavior. Trying to get what you might not get - theft, shopaholics, gambling, drugs, alcohol.

Confidence is not with the knowledge that I exist and I can do something for so I am. A neglected child may wonder if he / she exists.

Malpractice affects the physical, emotional and cognitive development.

Actually, there is a deep sense of pain due to lack of incentives.

Whatever the needs of children are neglected we, as a society deal then going to do the first time.

Neglect is a form of violence that is manifested through the discredit or ignore the needs and / or emotional physics.

Neglect leaves no visible physical scars, but it can be emotionally devastating, leading to a feeling of abandonment, confusion, low self-esteem and emotional development delayed. If left alone the cycle can continue and be passed to the next generation.

Negligence is a historical phenomenon that transcends cultural borders and economic and social lines, caused by time and the value we place on status and possessions instead of our children.

When our families, workplaces, communities and governments to take ownership of this issue, including educating people about the impact of neglect, children are our priority. We must take the time to listen, respect and value our children.

Any responsible adult in a child's life has a responsibility to ensure that the child is supported and grew up feeling loved.

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