
What is a Step Parent Adoption?

Step parent adoption is a process that is relatively simple in most states in the United States. And it can be a rewarding experience if the parents are able to understand the responsibility that accompanies it. It is a relationship for life without possibility of return, even if desired. If you are someone who is planning to adopt a child, we strongly recommend that you should understand your rights as a parent step is recommended.

The adoption of the child is the end of one relationship and the beginning of a whole new relationship in the life of a child. After making sure that the child you wish to adopt is emotionally ready for change, you can get things to the next level. Initiate the formal process by filing a petition in court with the required information. For example, the powers of stepparents and children. It should also contain information on the circumstances that led to the decision. In some states, a new complaint must be recorded, providing additional information, such as the employment status of the mother of step, if any previous marriages, etc. A copy of the request must be sent to the natural parents of the child you wish to adopt.

The process is made easier if both biological parents consent to the adoption, in a statement. On this, the court would send someone to check if the stepfather home has all the requirements for adoption. If satisfied, a hearing would take place when the child, the applicant and the applicant's spouse would be present. And at the end of the hearing, the judgment was rendered in favor of adoption. The order can be temporary or permanent as the court deems appropriate. A temporary verdict becomes final on their own after six months have elapsed after the verdict.

This process excludes the natural parent of any kind of obligation to the child. If it happens that the natural parents do not consent, you must prove that the parents had no contact with the child for a long time, perhaps for a year before the registration of the complaint to the court. Another exception is a situation in which a juvenile court terminated the parental rights of the father and the biological mother of the child.

Step parent adoption is a truly commendable act of kindness if you think that the child's life remains precarious, with his / her natural parents. And the reward is sure to be a permanent satisfaction to ensure a better life for children who have been victims of the fault not his.

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